
Steps to remove the Anka CLI


From the command line, execute the following command. Make sure all your VMs are stopped.

sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Veertu/Anka/tools/uninstall.sh

/Library/Application\ Support/Veertu/Anka/tools/uninstall.sh --help
Usage: uninstall.sh [OPTIONS...]

-a|--along-with-machines	Also remove all Anka virtual machines (for all users) created and license information
-f|--force			Force mode (do not ask user confirmation)
-h|--help			Show this message

Note Uninstall doesn't remove the license. To remove license execute sudo anka license remove before uninstalling. Make a note of the fulfillment id that is displayed in the output of sudo anka license remove.

Moving license from one host to another

To move the license from an already activated mac to another mac, execute the following steps.

sudo anka license remove. Then, make a note of the fulfillment id shown in the output of this command. Contact Veertu support with the activation key and the fulfillment id.