What is Anka?

All about Veertu's Anka Software

Anka is a suite of software for creating and managing macOS VMs to run on top of Apple hardware and macOS. It enables the creation of or integration with existing container-like DevOps workflows. Unlike existing macOS virtualization solutions, Anka lets the macOS operating system manage virtual machines in the same manner as other native macOS applications. Anka virtualization uses macOS native Hypervisor features so it can run on any Apple hardware.

Anka can be installed on macOS machines running High Sierra (10.13.x) or higher.

  • Easy to install
  • Built on the native hypervisor, utilizing macOS resource scheduling and power management for Anka VMs
  • Optimized VM network and disk performance using paravirtual drivers
  • Control VMs through the Anka CLI
  • Suspended and then instantly start Anka VMs
  • Run Docker and Android Emulator inside your VMs
  • Attach physical iOS devices to VMs for on-device testing
  • Compatibility with T2 enabled Apple hardware

DevOps workflows typically include lots of automation. Because of this, Anka has multiple options for you to either integrate with existing workflows/tools or create them from scratch.

  • Build VM Templates (a.k.a “images”) for different versions of macOS
  • Create Tags on top of a VM Template containing the different dependencies for your projects
  • Write scripts for Template & Tag creation in your preferred language, or use our packer builder
  • Store your VM Templates and Tags in the Anka Cloud Registry so you can distribute or pull them to different machines and ensure the same VM state
  • Manage your VMs from the Anka Build Cloud Controller's REST API
  • Get up and running quickly with one of our maintained CI plugins or integrations

Information about how VM Template and Tags work can be found in our Getting Started creating your first VM guide.

Anka Build

What's included in Anka Build?

The Anka Build solution includes the CLI, Cloud Controller (GUI + API) & Registry, and plugins to integrate with commonly used CI systems like Jenkins, Teamcity, GitLab, and Buildkite.

Who should use Anka Build?

Anka Build is for anyone wanting to configure a private macOS cloud in their CI system. The private macOS cloud can be configured using on-prem or offsite hardware.

Anka Flow

What's included in Anka Flow?

The Anka Flow solution includes the CLI and Cloud Registry. Developers can use this to create Templates and Tags to run VMs locally on their workstations. It has no requirement on the Cloud Controller. Only available on Macbook and iMac hardware.

Who should use Anka Flow?

Anka Flow is for anyone wanting to maximize developer productivity by enabling the running of builds and tests inside of VMs on their local machine. Each VM can contain specific dependencies and configurations for the project and avoid dependency problems/complexity on their local machine.

Anka Secure

What's included in Anka Secure?

The Anka Secure solution includes the CLI (with additional features like policy management) and Cloud Registry. Only available on Macbook and iMac hardware.

Who should use Anka Secure?

Anka Secure is for users who are looking to provide sandbox and policy (network policies, sharing policies, etc) managed macOS environments to end users using Apple hardware. This is useful for technical support teams and remote developers with access to sensitive information and no home network security.